mandag 27. februar 2012

2-split ||Week 4|| [27.02.2012]

Week 41
Bodyweight: 80 kg
- Muscle weight: 66,2 kg

Bodyfat: 17,4% - Fat weight: 13,6 kg

Monday: Finally! I got the technique correct! Now I can start squat heavy without using my back halfway trough, they key here was to use your glute and hamstring when your pushing up insted of your back. Felt really good, hehe, time to see how much I'am able to gain without a new platue.

Firday: Yeah buddy! Now I did perfect deadlift as well! I am so happy right now, hehe. Time to gain, gain, gain and gain some more!

Basic Routine 27.feb Week4

Excercises Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Squat (1)2x5x98kg Cardio

Leg Press


Glute/Ham Raises (2)3x10xBW

Calf Raises (5)3x15xnr15,5




Bent Over Row (3)4x6x55kg

Lat Pull-Down


Incline Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press


Dumbbell Bench Press

Military Press


Barbell Curl (4)3x8x30kg


Tricep Pushdowns

Skull Crushers


Weigth Crunches


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