mandag 28. november 2011

HST (1) ||Week 2|| [28.11.2011]

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Week 30
Bodyweight: 79 kg
- Muscle weight: x kg

Bodyfat: x% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday: God, this was exhausting! I almost blacked out twice, my stamina is not good at all, good thing I'm exercising it now. Over all, I like the program, I really feel that all my musclegroups get the workout they need.

Wednesday: Even though the weigths increased, it became easier than the last time, I just almost blacked out once. But it stil tok a good amount of time to get the next exercise ready. So the time between exercises did varry between 1-2 mins.
Friday: Today I did prepare all the exercises beforehand, so it went like a breeze, I held my self between 30-60sec breaks. And this time, I had no problem holding up to the intensity, the body really adept fast.

Note: There was no cardio this week because of christmass stuff.


HSTWeek 228.nov

Squat1x15x54kg30 min easy swimming1x15x58kg20 min moderate jogging1x15x64kg

Stiff Legged Deadlift1x15x60kg

Slight Incline Bench1x15x7,5kg

Chins (Narrow grip)1x5xBW

Decline db1x15x7,5kg

Bent Over Row1x15x34kg

Shoulder Press1x15x26kg

Straigth Bar Curl1x15x14kg

Triceps Extension1x15x19,5kg

Standing Calf Raises1x15xnr.11


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fredag 25. november 2011

||Project: Officer Coskun|| [24.11.2011]

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So, I got called into the military duty. At mars.2012 I am beginning in the coast guard, and my goal is to get the Officer Candidate School. So from now on, each saturday for half a year, will be dedicated towards those goals specific.

Here is a video: How-To-Perform-Them
These are the goals (perfect score, grade 6):

  • Run 3000M within: 09:30 minutes
  • Pull-Ups tight grip: 14 reps
  • Pushups: 45 reps
  • Situps: 70 reps

This is where I am now:
  • Run 3000M at: 17:13 minutes - grade 1
  • Pull-Ups tight grip: 6 reps - grade 3
  • Pushups: 21 reps - grade 2,5
  • Situps: 30 reps - grade 2,5
As you can see, I got a long road ahead of my self, hehe.
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søndag 20. november 2011

HST (1) ||Week 1|| [21.11.2011]

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Week 29
Bodyweight: 79 kg
- Muscle weight: x kg

Bodyfat: x% - Fat weight: x kg

Today I'm starting HST (Hypertrophy) and the first thing to do is to find out what my 15RM, 10RM and 5RM max is before I start on the actual program. (It will be 2 weeks with 15reps, 2 weeks with 10 reps, then 2 weeks with 5reps).

Monday: Wow! This was the most intense workout I've tried so far! I almost threw up 2 times and had to lie down, hehehe. I am most certain that this will be a great program towards the military duty where I have to rely a lot on endurance.

Tuesday: So I've red a bit more about HST, and it looks like I am just to plus 10% to 10rm and 20% to the 5rm. And that I should not exercise any more this week before I'm starting the cycle of 8 weeks. O well, more rest time that I do not want.


HSTWeek 121.nov


Standing Calf Raises1x15xnr.16

Slight Incline Bench1x15x20kg

Decline db1x15x20kg

Chins (Narrow grip)1x7xBW

Bent Over Row1x15x45kg

Lateral raises (Rear)1x15x12,5kg

Shoulder Press1x15x36kg

Straigth bar curl1x15x24kg


Triceps extension1x15x29,5kg


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mandag 14. november 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 12|| [14.11.2011]

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Week 28
Bodyweight: 78 kg
- Muscle weight: x kg

Bodyfat: x% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Shoulders / Triceps:
Had winter vomiting disease the whole weekend, plus monday :(

Tuesday - Legs / Calves:
Recovering from the sickness, going to start fully again tomorrow!

Rest of the week:

This week I've just doing some light workout to get ready for the next week, I'm starting HST next week, so I'm excited
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søndag 6. november 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 11|| [07.11.2011]

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Week 28
Bodyweight: 79 kg
- Muscle weight: x kg

Bodyfat: x% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Shoulders / Triceps:
Today It went pretty good at every excercise, and I did not recieve the same pain as I did last week. Hey, maybe pain = gain after all.

Standing Front Dumbbell Raises:
12x5kg - 8x7,5kg - 3x10kg - 1x10kg
6x12,5kg, 6x12,5kg - 2x15kg + 4x12,5kg (New Personal Record)

Military Barbell Press:
3x30kg - 6x46kg - 6x48kg - 5x50kg

Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises:
6x17,5kg - 6x17,5kg

Cable Push-downs:
4x30kg - 6x37kg - 6x38kg - 6x38kg (New Personal Record)

Lying Tricep Extensions:
6x37kg - 5x39kg (New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Kickbacks:

Tuesday - Legs / Calves:
Wow.. Today was an awful leg day! I had little to no energy and everything felt heavy, hehe. O well, these days always come once in a while.

Wrong technique, felt come backpain. I do not know why I suddently get bad technique when last week was great.

12x50kg - 8x60kg - 3x70kg - 1x80kg
6x95kg - 4x95kg - 4x90kg - 6x80kg

Leg Press 45 degrees:
6x180kg - 6x190kg

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
6x100kg - 6x105kg - 6x105kg (New Personal Record)

Standing Machine Calf Raises:
8x170kg - 8x180kg- 8x180kg

Wednesday - Back / Abs:  

Since my last 2 weeks, I have been feeling that the biceps has been doing the backexercises. So I tried lowering the weights, and it looks like that solved the problem.

Lat Pull-Downs:
12x30kg - 8x40kg - 3x50kg - 1x55kg
6x50kg - 6x50kg - 6x55kg

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
6x50kg - 6x55kg

Seated Cable Rows:
6x55kg - 6x60kg

Dumbbell Rows:

Leg Raises: 
10x15kg - 10x17,5kg (New Personal Record)

Decline Crunches:
10x10kg - 10x15kg (New Personal Record)

Thursday - Chest / Traps:
Today I tried to stretch a lot more and focus on chest only. And today I had a lot better technique. Felt my chest doing the work, so Im quiet happy about this chest day, despite lifting a lower weigth.
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:
12x12,5kg - 8x17,5kg - 3x20kg - 3x22,5kg
6x25kg - 6x25kg - 6x25kg

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press:
5x25kg - 5x25kg

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press:

6x25kg - 6x25kg

Barbell Shrugs:

6x90kg - 6x90kg

Dumbbell Shrugs:
6x30kg, 6x30kg (no more weights)

Friday - Biceps / Abs
Today I worked out with my girlfriend at a place called moov (70% of the gym consisted of cardio stations). It was pretty awesome, pushed her hard, and now she is addicted to it! Going to sign her up and show her the workout routine. Her own blog comming up later :)

Straight Bar Curls:
12x16kg - 8x20kg - 3x26kg - 1x30kg
6x34kg - 5x34kg - 5x34kg

Hammer Curls:
Weaker in my left arm atm.

6x17,5kg / 6x15kg (left arm) - 6x15kg (both)

Curl Bar Curl: 6x33,5kg

Leg Raises: 
10x17,5kg - 10x20kg (New Personal Record)

Decline Crunches:
10x15kg - 10x15kg

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tirsdag 1. november 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 10|| [31.10.2011]

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Week 27
Bodyweight: 78,5 kg
Muscle weight: x kg

Bodyfat: x% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Shoulders / Triceps:
Standing Front Dumbbell Raises:
At the start of the OT sets my shoulders did hurt, not sure why. But when I did the last set of standing front dumbbell raises it felt a lot better, maybe not warm enough? And the same goes when doing dips.
12x5kg - 8x5kg - 3x7,5kg - 1x10kg
6x10kg, 6x12,5kg - 6x12,5kg (New Personal Record)

Military Barbell Press:
6x44kg - 6x46kg

Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises:
6x17,5kg - 6x17,5kg (New Personal Record)

Cable Push-downs:
3x20kg - 3x40kg+5x35kg - 6x37kg - 6x37kg (New Personal Record)

Lying Tricep Extensions:
6x33,5kg - 6x35,5kg

Dumbbell Kickbacks:
6x17,5kg (not done fully stretched, stay at this weight) (New Personal Record)

Tuesday - Legs / Calves:
Today we tested out a new gym, where the sole purpose is to build muscles. The gym was awesome and big, and a lot of fit people that were big. Lots of inspiration here!

12x40kg - 8x60kg - 3x70kg - 6x90kg
6x90kg - 6x90kg - 6x95kg - 6x95kg (New Personal Record)

Leg Press 45 degrees:
This was a real 45 degrees machine, and man was the weigths heavy!
6x140kg - 6x160kg (New Personal Record)

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
6x100kg - 6x100kg - 6x100kg (New Personal Record)

Standing Machine Calf Raises:
Finally a real calf machine! We tried it, and there was no weigths there, only numbers. So I did number 11 and 12. Guess it was 110kg and 120kg.
10x110kg - 8x120kg- 8x120kg (New Personal Record)

Wednesday - Back / Abs:  

Lat Pull-Downs:
Always doing 3 sec stretch at the end of  each set at the last rep.
12x30kg - 8x40kg - 3x45kg - 2x55kg
6x60kg - 6x60kg - 6x65kg (New Personal Record)

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
6x65kg - 4x65kg (too much biceps?)

Seated Cable Rows:
6x70kg (bad ones) - 6x60kg (good ones)

Dumbbell Rows:
6x34kg (New Personal Record)

Leg Raises: 
Today I tried increasing the weigths and having someone hold me down. And that was really nice. Felt it a lot better.
10x10kg - 10x16kg (New Personal Record)

Cable Crunches:
10x65kg - 10x65kg (New Personal Record)

Thursday - Chest / Traps:
Pretty nice chest day today, increased in every exercise! :)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:
12x12kg - 8x16kg - 3x20kg - 1x24kg
6x26kg - 6x28kg - 6x28kg
(New Personal Record)

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press:
6x28kg - 6x28kg 
(New Personal Record)

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press:
This was great, had a spotter, so it was a lot easier to get the weights, and that showed great result.

6x26kg - 6x28kg

Barbell Shrugs:

6x90kg (grip slipped too much without straps, so bad) - 6x90kg (that went a lot better)
(New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Shrugs (I used wires, since they only had 30kgs):
6x32,5kg, 6x35kg (no more weights)

Friday - Biceps / Abs
Today I worked out with my girlfriend at a place called moov (70% of the gym consisted of cardio stations). It was pretty awesome, pushed her hard, and now she is addicted to it! Going to sign her up and show her the workout routine. Her own blog comming up later :)

Straight Bar Curls:
12x20kg - 8x20kg - 3x25kg - 1x37,5kg
6x32kg - 6x35kg
- 5x35kg (New Personal Record)

Alternate Biceps Curls:
Weaker in my left arm atm.

6x16kg - 5/6x16kg (New Personal Record)

Curl Bar Curl:
6x32,5kg - 4x32,5kg (New Personal Record)

Cable Crunches:
10x40kg - 10x40kg (New Personal Record)

Leg Raises: 
10x16kg - 10x18kg (New Personal Record)

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