søndag 25. september 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 5|| [26.09.2011]

Week 22
Bodyweight: 76,1 kg
- Muslce weight: x kg
Bodyfat: 18,5% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Back / Forearms:

10xBW - 5xBW - 5xBW - 3xBW - 5xBW - 3xBW (Totalt: 31 reps)

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
6x60kg - 6x60kg (New Personal Record)

Barbell Rows:
6x65kg - 6x65kg (Need to lower the weights in order to get a full stretch)

Barbell Wrist Curls:
12x16kg - 8x20kg - 3x24kg - 1x30kg
8x32kg - 6x32kg (New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Wrist Cruls:
8x45kg - 8x45kg  (New Personal Record)

Tuesday - Shoulder / Traps:

Military Barbell Press:
12x25kg - 8x32kg - 3x44kg - 1x46kg
6x52kg - 5x52kg - 4x52kg (New Personal Record)

Seated Dumbell Press:
0,4x27,5kg - 0,5x25kg - 6x22,5kg (Couldent get them up alone when it was that heavy, hehe..)

Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises:
6x15kg - 6x15kg (New Personal Record)

Barbell Shrugs:
12x34kg - 8x44kg - 3x56kg - 1x64kg
6x70kg - 6x72kg - 6x72kg (New Personal Record)

Wednesday - Legs / Calves:

12x42kg - 8x55kg - 3x68kg - 1x76kg
6x85kg - 5x87,5kg - 5x87,5kg - 5x85kg (New Personal Record)

Barbell Lunges:
6x40kg - 6x40kg (New Personal Record)

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
3x60kg - 6x80kg - 6x85kg (Correct technique)

Seated Calf Raises:
8x150kg - 8x160kg (New Personal Record)

45° Leg Press Calf Raises:
8x160kg (New Personal Record)

Thursday - Chest:

Flat Bench Press:
12x32kg - 8x40kg - 3x50kg - 1x56kg
6x62,5kg - 5x65kg - 5x65kg (New Personal Record)

Incline Barbell Press:
Had to do dumbell, the gym dident have the abillity to do incline bb press.
6x18kg - 6x24kg (a bit wrong technique, did them as seated db press..)

6xbw - 6x5kg (New Personal Record)

Friday - Biceps / Triceps

Straight Bar Curls:
12x20kg - 8x25kg - 3x30kg - 1x34kg
6x37kg - 5x40kg - 4x37kg  (New Personal Record)

Alternating Dumbbell Curls:
6x16kg - 6x18kg (4/5 at left bicep)  (New Personal Record)

Lying Tricep Extensions:
6x32kg - 6x35kg  (New Personal Record)

Triceps db Press Behinde Head:
6x28kg - 6x30kg  (New Personal Record)

Cable Push-downs:
5x35kg  (New Personal Record)

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