søndag 25. september 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 5|| [26.09.2011]

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Week 22
Bodyweight: 76,1 kg
- Muslce weight: x kg
Bodyfat: 18,5% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Back / Forearms:

10xBW - 5xBW - 5xBW - 3xBW - 5xBW - 3xBW (Totalt: 31 reps)

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
6x60kg - 6x60kg (New Personal Record)

Barbell Rows:
6x65kg - 6x65kg (Need to lower the weights in order to get a full stretch)

Barbell Wrist Curls:
12x16kg - 8x20kg - 3x24kg - 1x30kg
8x32kg - 6x32kg (New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Wrist Cruls:
8x45kg - 8x45kg  (New Personal Record)

Tuesday - Shoulder / Traps:

Military Barbell Press:
12x25kg - 8x32kg - 3x44kg - 1x46kg
6x52kg - 5x52kg - 4x52kg (New Personal Record)

Seated Dumbell Press:
0,4x27,5kg - 0,5x25kg - 6x22,5kg (Couldent get them up alone when it was that heavy, hehe..)

Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises:
6x15kg - 6x15kg (New Personal Record)

Barbell Shrugs:
12x34kg - 8x44kg - 3x56kg - 1x64kg
6x70kg - 6x72kg - 6x72kg (New Personal Record)

Wednesday - Legs / Calves:

12x42kg - 8x55kg - 3x68kg - 1x76kg
6x85kg - 5x87,5kg - 5x87,5kg - 5x85kg (New Personal Record)

Barbell Lunges:
6x40kg - 6x40kg (New Personal Record)

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
3x60kg - 6x80kg - 6x85kg (Correct technique)

Seated Calf Raises:
8x150kg - 8x160kg (New Personal Record)

45° Leg Press Calf Raises:
8x160kg (New Personal Record)

Thursday - Chest:

Flat Bench Press:
12x32kg - 8x40kg - 3x50kg - 1x56kg
6x62,5kg - 5x65kg - 5x65kg (New Personal Record)

Incline Barbell Press:
Had to do dumbell, the gym dident have the abillity to do incline bb press.
6x18kg - 6x24kg (a bit wrong technique, did them as seated db press..)

6xbw - 6x5kg (New Personal Record)

Friday - Biceps / Triceps

Straight Bar Curls:
12x20kg - 8x25kg - 3x30kg - 1x34kg
6x37kg - 5x40kg - 4x37kg  (New Personal Record)

Alternating Dumbbell Curls:
6x16kg - 6x18kg (4/5 at left bicep)  (New Personal Record)

Lying Tricep Extensions:
6x32kg - 6x35kg  (New Personal Record)

Triceps db Press Behinde Head:
6x28kg - 6x30kg  (New Personal Record)

Cable Push-downs:
5x35kg  (New Personal Record)

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tirsdag 20. september 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 4|| [19.09.2011]

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Week 21
Bodyweight: 75,5 kg
- Muslce weight: x kg
Bodyfat: 18,5% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Legs / Calfs:

Wow.. I woke up, grabbed breakfast and ran down to the gym. Just to find out, that all the stress was for nothing, because for some random reason they decided that the gym should not be open before 12:00 on mondays. So I had to run to the bus in order to work out at my job in time. And when I came there, I had little to non energy. Awesome.
10x44kg - 8x56kg - 3x76kg - 1x80kg
4x86g - 4x86kg - 4x80kg
Leg Press:
There was some strange number system on this machine. It was from 1-20. But I had NO chance at all to do 19 or 17.. So I went with 13. It was not KG or LBS.. :S
6xUnknown kg - 6xUnknown kg

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
Forgot my straps today, so I did really deep ones with 80 kg. Felt kind a good doing them.
6x80kg - 6x80kg

Standing Machine Calf Raises:
Strange machine again..
8xUnknown kg - 8xUnknown kg

Tuesday - Chest / Forearms:
Today was awesome, new PR at all the exercises! Maybe because I went not-so-heavy yesterday?

Incline Barbell Press:
12x28kg - 8x36kg - 3x44kg - 1x50kg
5x56kg - 6x58kg - 5x60kg (New Personal Record)

Flat Bench Press:
6x60kg - 4x62kg - 5x60kg (New Personal Record)


Barbell Wrist Curls:
12x20kg - 8x22kg - 3x25
8x30kg - 6x32kg (New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Wrist Cruls:
I dont think I did it all the way up at 45 kg.
8x40kg - 8x45kg (New Personal Record)

Wednesday - Back / Traps:
Barbell Rows:
12x30kg - 8x40kg - 4x50kg - 1x55kg
6x65kg - 6x65kg (New Personal Record) - Got to try to pull it futher up for max stretch.

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
6x50kg - 6x55kg (New Personal Record)

I think I got the technique right now, since I was able to stretch and pull up.
4xbw - 5xbw

Damn.. Dident hit PR just once, but twice. And I filmed my self doing so. And that was the smartest move I've done so far. My back hurted like a bitch after that, and it stil does (thursday). Found out that I bendt my lower back when pulling up the bar, W R O N G ! I'll practise the deadlift until next time, so I dont destroy my lower back.
6x115kg - 6x120kg

Barbell Shrugs:
Ops.. I was only suppost to do this once. O well.
12x30kg -8x40kg - 3x50kg
6x70kg - 6x70kg

Ops.. Forgot to do the last back exercise, so did it at the end.
Seated Cable Rows:

Thursday - Shoulders / Triceps:

Seated Dumbell Press:
12x12kg - 8x16kg - 4x20kg - 1x22kg
 4x26kg - 4x26kg (New Personal Record)

Military Barbell Press:
6x50kg -  4x52,5kg (New Personal Record)

Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises:
6x14kg - 5x16kg (Should get the elbows higher up) (New Personal Record)

Lying Tricep Extensions:
Looks like i managed to get the technique right this time.
12x13kg - 8x17,5kg - 3x24kg - 1x27,5kg
6x30kg - 6x32kg(try not to rest at the top) (New Personal Record)

Cable Push-downs:
6x30kg - 6x32,5kg (New Personal Record)

Triceps db Press Behinde Head:
6x28kg (New Personal Record)

Friday - Biceps / Abs:

Straight Bar Curls:
12x10kg - 8x15kg - 3x22kg - 1x26kg
6x35kg - 6x37kg (New Personal Record)

Hammer Curls:
5x18kg - 6x20kg (New Personal Record)

Curl Bar Curls:
6x35kg (New Personal Record)

Leg Raises:
15x10kg - 15x10kg

Cable Rope Crunches:
10x30kg - 10x35kg

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tirsdag 13. september 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 3|| [12.09.2011]

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Week 20
Bodyweight: 74,5 kg
- Muslce weight: x kg
Bodyfat: 18,5% - Fat weight: x kg

Monday - Legs / Calfs:

10x40kg - 8x50kg - 3x70kg - 1x80kg
6x85g - 5x85kg - 4x87,5kg (New Personal Record with correct technique 90 degrees)

Leg Press:
6x180kg - 6x190kg (New Personal Record)

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
Bough some wrist straps today, and it made this exercise really nice. But I think I felt it too much in my back for it to be a leg exercise. But I'll read some more into it.
6x100kg - 6x110kg (New Personal Record)

Standing Machine Calf Raises:
8x140kg - 8x150kg (New Personal Record)

Seated Calf Raises:
8x140kg - 8x140kg (New Personal Record)

Tuesday - Chest / Forearms:
Incline Barbell Press:
12x30kg - 8x37kg - 3x50kg - 1x55kg
5x57kg - 6x55kg - 5x55kg (New Personal Record)

Flat Bench Press:
4x60kg - 4x60kg - 5x60kg (New Personal Record)

Finally did it! I did Dips without hurting my shoulders! I even found out I could do it with more weights.

Barbell Wrist Curls:
12x20kg - 8x22kg - 3x25
8x30kg - 8x30kg (New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Wrist Cruls:
8x40kg - 8x44kg (New Personal Record)

Wednesday - Back / Traps:

Barbell Rows:
12x30kg - 8x40kg - 4x50kg - 1x55kg
6x60kg - 6x65kg (New Personal Record)

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
6x50kg - 6x40kg

Did pull-ups with a full stretch, and man was it hard! But I think this is the right way to do it.
3xbw - 2xbw

Seated Cable Rows:

So.. Heavy to do this at the end of the work out
5x110kg - 4x110kg

Barbell Shrugs:
12x30kg -8x40kg - 3x50kg
6x70kg - 6x70kg

Thursday - Shoulders / Triceps:

Seated Dumbell Press:
12x12kg - 8x16kg - 4x20kg - 1x22kg
 6x24kg - 5x24kg

Military Barbell Press:
6x47kg -  4x50kg (New Personal Record)

Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises:
5x16kg (wrong technique) - 6x14kg

Lying Tricep Extensions:
I'll have to keep practising my technique at this one.
6x27,5kg - 3x32,5kg(too heavy) - 6x27,5kg

Cable Push-downs:
6x25kg - 6x30kg (New Personal Record)

Triceps db Press Behinde Head:
6x26kg (New Personal Record)

Friday - Biceps / Abs:

Straight Bar Curls:
12x10kg - 8x15kg - 3x22kg - 1x26kg
6x32kg - 5x34kg (New Personal Record)

Hammer Curls:
5x17,5kg - 6x17,5kg (New Personal Record)

Curl Bar Curls:
6x31,5kg (New Personal Record)

Leg Raises:
15x7,5kg - 15x7,5kg

Cable Rope Crunches:
10x30kg - 10x30kg

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søndag 4. september 2011

MAX-OT ||Week 2|| [05.09.2011]

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Week 19
Bodyweight: 74,5 kg
- Muslce weight: 60,72kg
Bodyfat: 18,5% - Fat weight: 13,78kg

Monday - Legs / Calfs:

10x40kg - 8x45kg - 3x60kg - 1x70kg
6x82,5kg - 6x85kg - 6x85kg (New Personal Record)

Leg Press:
6x170kg - 6x180kg (New Personal Record)

Stiff Leg Deadlift:
Did not like this exercise at all, way too much weight on my grip. So I'll have to buy some wrist straps.
5x100kg - 80x6kg

Standing Machine Calf Raises:
6x130kg - 8x130kg (New Personal Record)

Seated Calf Raises:
8x130kg - 8x130kg (New Personal Record)

Tuesday - Chest / Forearms:
Incline Dumbbell Press:
12x12kg - 8x16kg - 3x20kg - 1x24kg
6x26kg - 6x24kg - 6x24kg (New Personal Record)
After the 6x26kg, my triceps hurted like mad, and after thinking about why. I came to the conclusion that it had to be because my lifts the past week were too explosive. It weren't controlled at all, so I'll have to tell my self to do the lift in a controlled matter before each excercise. If my triceps aren't better tomorrow I'll have to take a break, overtrained my triceps :((

Flat Bench Press:
Stil hurts when I do this..
4x60kg - 4x60kg - 4x60kg

H U R T S!

Barbell Wrist Curls:
12x20kg - 8x25kg - 8x27kg (New Personal Record)

Dumbbell Wrist Cruls:
8x40kg - 8x40kg

Wednesday - Back / Traps:

Barbell Rows:
12x20kg - 8x30kg - 4x40kg - 1x50kg
6x60kg - 6x60kg

"V"-bar Pull-Downs:
Felt the hurt in my triceps again!!!
6x50kg - 6x40kg

Hurted too much..

Seated Cable Rows:

5x110kg - 4x110kg

Barbell Shrugs:

Rest of the week - Anger: 

Right now, I'm in so much anger. Anger towards max-ot and a lot of anger towards my self.
Why? Because the exercise PDF and video is focusing SO much on high intensity with maximum weights. And that, tok all the focus away from doing it controlled with proper technique! And because of that I did all the lifts explosive in a bit uncontrolled matter. And that is why my triceps is damaged. I even lifted wrong at Deadlift, so my back was a bit hurt as well.
I've never had any problems these 5 months, but since max OT, I've done more wrong than ever.
I mean, the program clearly states that even someone with no experience with lifting, who never lifted a single weight in their life can do this, but that is bullshit. No new guy can comprehend that many exercises with proper technique and high intensity, the guys that follow this program trained at a minimum of 6 years. Even with direct counseling and personal traning from Jeff Willet, guys get damaged.
Well, I'm going to let my keyboard rest for now.. And hey, it's my blog.. I can type whatever I wish to, and it felt pretty good doing so.

I'll spend rest of the week thinking about what I did wrong, what I did good and what I can do better next week. Hopefully my triceps is well also.
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