søndag 29. januar 2012

HST (2) ||Week 11|| [30.01.2012]

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Week 38
Bodyweight: 79,7 kg
- Muscle weight: 66,2 kg

Bodyfat: 17% - Fat weight: 13,6 kg
My weigth is not going down, so I might have to reduce the calorie intake. But the fat% will show next meassurement.

Monday: Nothing special.

Wednesday: I noticed that my energy is pretty low without using jack3d, so hard.. But I'll not use jack3d the easy weeks, and use jack3d at the end of each rm. Also, my grip was too wide when doing bent over rows, felt it a lot better in my back.

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torsdag 26. januar 2012

HST (2) ||Week 10|| [23.01.2012]

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Week 37
Bodyweight: 79,3 kg
- Muscle weight: 66,2 kg

Bodyfat: 17% - Fat weight: 13,6 kg

Monday: Nothing special.
Wednesday: Now, this was crazy heavy, was not able to hold the 60 sec break between each set, this felt like almost my max, so it's going to be fun this friday :)

Friday: Today was exhausting, it felt like I did not do thte exercises with proper form, also with squat and stdl I think I'll stay at the same max next cycle, unless I gain in the next month :) Rest went ok, besides shoulderpress that I only did 13 of, and calf raises, my max at 15rm there is 16 + 3kg.

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torsdag 19. januar 2012

HST (2) ||Week 9|| [16.01.2012]

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Week 36
Bodyweight: 79,8 kg
- Muscle weight: 66,2 kg

Bodyfat: 17% - Fat weight: 13,6 kg

Time to get serious! This next cycle will be perfect, in terms of following my diet, doing cardios 2-3 days a week (maybe not 2-3 days before my max rm). Taking my pictures the 20th each month. Doing measurements (bodyfat + size) the 21th each month. And taking my weigth every day and see what my weigth actually is.

Monday: Ugh.. horrible! Almost fainted again and was about to throw up! 15rm is damn exhausting, but at the same time, it went a lot better than the first time I did the 15rm. And I found the correct way to shoulder press, damn that killed my shoulders :)
Wednesday: Pretty sweet today, just had some black dots once, that was after squats -> SLDL. Figured it might have been because of the amount of water I drank today. So I'm always drinking 2L water at work :)

Friday: Nothing special.

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HST ||Week 8|| [09.01.2012]

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Week 35
Bodyweight: 79,8 kg
- Muscle weight: 66,2 kg

Bodyfat: 17% - Fat weight: 13,6 kg

Monday, wednesday and friday: This week is all about rest and getting an overview about my progress, mistakes and achievements for the time to come. 
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mandag 2. januar 2012

HST (1) ||Week 7|| [02.01.2012]

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Week 34
Bodyweight: 79,8 kg
- Muscle weight: 66,2 kg

Bodyfat: 17% - Fat weight: 13,6 kg

Monday: Today was both great and bad, I ended up spending 2 hour in the gym, because today I went to a public gym, and man was it full. Everyone started working out to get rid of some christmas fat. The good thing was that I did 90kg squat really good, new record! :)

Wednesday: Today I was so sore! But I decided to go at it. And I do not regret at all, it was no problem after a proper warm-up. and another new rercord in squat! I'm pretty excited to try 100kg squats this friday!

Friday: Yeah buddy! 100kg squat done! Now I got a well deserved weeks rest, even thogh I'm gonna hate it, hehe.


HSTWeek 702.jan


Stiff Legged Deadlift3x5x100kg

Slight Incline Bench3x5x20kg

Chins (Narrow grip)3x5xYkg

Decline db3x5x20kg

Bent Over Row3x5x52kg

Shoulder Press3x5x42kg

Straigth Bar Curl3x5x30kg

Triceps Extension3x5x35,5kg

Standing Calf Raises3x5xnr.16


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